bump. Anyone think this is not as localized as it once was and the trickle down factor has now affected you? No change as far as 15,000 workers from Salaried Delphi /GM many with 30 plus years all without health and life benefits or guaranteed pension. Is the current economic crisis hitting your home now despite feelings of initial insulation?
Originally Posted by wheel interested
Oh yes, thank you Jim. I was just about to post something along the same lines. My pontification was not directed solely at you either it was one of those impromptu news short interviews from the man on the street. It's difficult not to have some emotion and momentum for me and I was responding to a million other things I have heard and accumulated in my mind to the general public. And our situation is pointedly affected with this mess.
I agree a strong work ethic is a good thing and should be rewarded compensurately and not penalized. I hear you, the whole fix is thrown back on the tax payers and that's not fair. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out. When there is a large area of unemployment and not enough industry to support jobs, it's a crisis, both with economics and with morale.
Thanks for posting that. I too was afraid my tone might cause esculation and that really isn't anything I would want to do with my friends here on the forums.