state of domicile and insurance
Okay -- I need some help regarding state of domicile and health insurance as a full-timer. I've been a SD resident since I hit the road five and a half years ago, but Golden Rule refuses to provide me with my legally required free preventive care appointment (because I got my insurance policy before ACA was passed) -- nor are they issuing new policies in SD after January 1. I was excited to find that I would be eligible for an 85% subsidy through the marketplace, and signed up for Dakotacare (the only one with a national network of providers). Then I got a call from my supposed new health insurance informing me that since I'm an RVer and don't live at least 6 months of the year in SD, I'm ineligible for coverage. So now there is NO marketplace plan in my state that will cover me as an RVer -- fantastico. I can either keep the crappy costs-me-an-arm-and-a-leg-and-covers-nothing-not-even-my-"mandatory"-free-annual-exam policy I have, or look into changing my state of domicile to one that's more RV-friendly. I choose plan "b."
Florida doesn't excite me because it's going to make ALL of my insurance and other expenses (vehicle, business, etc.) go up. I am considering possibly Texas or Nevada, but would be willing to look at other states. However, the one thing I do NOT want to do is make the switch and then find myself in the same boat health-insurance-wise, having no one that will cover me as I travel. I'd like to hear from younger not-retired working full-timers who have gotten subsidized insurance through the marketplace in various states -- to hear your opinions, what sorts of rates you're looking at, and what your coverage/national selection of providers is like (if you don't mind sharing). Thanks!
Ramona Creel