Same thing happened to us. We were not near anywhere where we could get a replacement cartridge for the Moen faucet...but did take the faucet apart... as a last ditch effort we gave the innards a light tunk with a wrench thinking perhaps there was calcification built up...and bam! Apparently we knocked the offending calcification off. We suddenly had hot water again. The learning curve on disassembling and re-assembling the faucet is sure not to drop that little "key clip" thing that keeps the faucet together. We tied a fish-line through the little hole at the top of the "key clip" in case we dropped it... Not the easiest thing to get at and work on. Eventually we wil need to replace that cartridge but at least now we know what the issue is.
TB & Greg and Abbey Schnauzer
AirForums #21900
PastPrez, 4CU/WBCCI