Bulkhead dimensions/pattern for 1976 TradeWind
I am refurbishing a 1976 25’ TradeWind and need to rebuild the interior walls/ bulkheads—specifically the ones between the galley and the bedroom, as well as the ones between the bedroom and the bathroom. I do NOT have the old walls for patterns or dimensions, however I DO have the slotted aluminum channels which do give me the contour of the wall curvature into which the to-be-built walls fit. I am reusing the overhead cabinets with the tambour doors, and the bedroom will be configured with twin beds. Would anyone be able to give me the dimensions for the walls (basically the width from the side wall of the trailer to the vertical edge of the wall I will build)—and those dimensions may be different on the curb side versus the road side. I would like to know the width of the bulkhead at a few points up from the floor and/or down from the overhead cabinet, as well as a few photos. Ideally a pattern or tracing would be preferable, but this seems unlikely to obtain—unless someone could point me in the direction of such a pattern, perhaps via a service manual. Thanks for any help you can offer.