12V system was working just fine in our
1963 Ambassador....until.....
I removed the light fixtures and repainted them. Each has a
12v and 110 socket for bulbs. I made a diagram of the wiring and carefully re-installed the fixtures. Only, I didn't mark the sockets and I screwed in a
12v bulb in the 110 socket and flipped the switch. But of course, I had it backwards and it blew the bulb. I did this 2 times before I realized it wasn't just the bulb dying a natural death, I had killed it. Then I put my very last 12V bulb in the correct 12v socket and tried it. Nothing! In fact, the whole 12v system is now dead. The water pump was working before and now it's not. The lights worked before and now they don't.
How could putting a 12v bulb into a 110 socket blow my 12v system? That doesn't make sense to me unless the whole thing is tied together somehow.
I figured there must be a fuse box somewhere and under the sink I found a black box with wires coming out of it. It sits right on top of the battery box, but inside the coach. My husband and I are calling that a transformer for lack of what the heck it is.
Could this transformer thing be the problem? Does anyone know what might have happened or what we need to do to reset the system and have it work again? The battery was dead 2 days later and we recharged it and tried connecting the water pump directly to the battery and it works, but when we hook the battery up to the coach, there is nothing. Our original owners manual is very skimpy on helpful information and doesn't even show this animal in the diagrams. My husband also tells me he found another black box nearby this first one, but I haven't seen it yet myself.
Any help is greatly appreciated!