Hey Bum`As a new member, coud you explain how the budget is affected by having more regions? I have seen many posts stating that the extra regionns are a financial burden, but don't know to what extent they are,or any estimations on savings if regions were to be combined. I'm not pro or con anything, just curious how much this really impacts.
There are a lot of things that we, as individual members could do. I like the idea of a full timers intra club, but even though I am full time, I am "home" a few weeks out of the year. Time is hard to budget. For example, I registered the URL
wbcci.us is under construction and was going to purchase 5 mailboxes on a hosted MS Exchange Server. I wanted to see if there would be interest in "corporate quality" secure email, and a means to exchange information with shared folders with the Outlook client, but there was 0 interest, even free of costs to anyone that wanted to try to make a go at it. The site and my costs for the mailboxs was going to run about USD200 a month for a year, plus my time to develope the site, contents, try to get some sponsors, software purchase costs, etc.
I still own the URL, MS Web Expessions and the other stuff I need to create the site are ready, maybe I'll revisit it later if there is an interest. It was for fun, not a profit. I think we are all to busy to have fun?