Underneath the 'Air Forums' name banner at the left side of the top of most AirForums webpages are several "tabs." The first tab on the left is 'Portal' and the second tab (just to the right of 'Portal' tab) is 'Forums', and it has a little pointer pointing in the down direction. If you hover your mouse cursor over the down arrow of the 'Forums' tab it will open a list of the various forum areas (many of which have subforums)--one of them will be 'General Repair.' (The list that appears when you hover your mouse cursor over the 'Forums' tab is called a "drop down" list, or sometimes a drop-down menu.)
Click on 'General Repair' and when the new webpage loads you will see a new "button" on the left side of the main window of the webpage, not too far below the 'Air Forums' name banner, called "New Thread" (it's a medium blue button with a "rivet" on either side of the text (New Thread)).
You can do the same with any of the forums listed in the 'Forums' tab drop-down (what appears when you hover your mouse cursor over the 'Forums' tab at the top of the webpage.
Hope this helps! Navigating this site isn't always the easiest, even for novices--but hover and click and you will eventually get the hang of it. (Yes; it would be nice if all websites were the same--but it would be boring, also.

At least that's what all the website developers always say!)