The aircraft shop has re-attached the top back to the frame and are ready to hang the door. I failed to take pictures of what the doorway attachment and sealing looked like before taking up the floor. Can someone please take a few picture of what the entry looks like? I need to see the floor and how the door seals around the bottom please. I really appreciate it.
Don't have a '62, but my '64 is probably similar...originally, ours was just a metal (aluminum?) angle as a threshold and the door hangs about 3-4" below the edge of the floor, slightly curving under. The very edge of the door can be seen on the right...
We replaced ours with aluminum door threshold from Home Depot...the old one was very thin & dented. We put butyl tape under the aluminum angle to help deter water from seeping up underneath.
Hope this helps ~
Vintage Airstream Club - Past President 2007/2008
WBCCI #1824 - DenCO Unit Past President (2005)
AIR #30 - Join Date: 2-25-2002
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