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Globie64 has a riveting personality

Globie64 Globie64 is offline

Rivet Master

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  1. markdenise
    We are really going to miss you guys at Jackson!! But, can't blame you for missing it-Italy sounds wonderful. Have a great trip! Chiao bello !!
  2. nwmsmith
    03-07-2014 11:47 AM
    How did your new range work out?
    I've got a cook top and separate microwave/convection. Have never used the m/c as we are seldom plugged in. I'm looking to change them out for one like yours.
  3. elvisinexile
    Hi Peter! We were up at the Ranch packing stuff yesterday and while out relieving Punkin a silver Pilot went by on Timber Ridge, was it you? Whoever it was seemed to be in a hurry.
    How are you? Been so long! I see you aren't coming to Jackson, will you be at Casini?
    Miss you - you and Scott are among the really nice people there we miss.
  4. Mrs.Mod
    11-06-2013 05:09 PM
    Hi Peter!
    Fantastic! So glad to hear you'll be there! I think we must be getting close to 20 trailers. This is gonna be a big party!
    See you in March!
  5. Mrs.Mod
    06-20-2013 06:04 PM
    Hi Peter,
    John and I are setting up a rally in Three Rivers. I really hope you can make it.

  6. rustybuster
  7. warbler5
    10-29-2012 12:41 PM
    Peter and Scott, these rallies (Jackson 2012) are getting so large and popular that I never even got a chance to say hi. I saw you guys walk by at a distance, and I figured I would eventually run into you....never happened! I hope you are coming to Casini!
  8. FreshAir
    10-27-2012 11:30 AM
    You are welcome. These large rallies sometimes makes it difficult to talk to everyone. We began the 'Greeter' program at Casini last year partly because we are always the first to arrive. Gets a little hectic when everyone begins arriving at once on the beginning day tho. This year with Casini's registration problems we will not be the first. Perhaps we can create a reverse welcome program.
  9. bevman
    05-01-2011 02:20 PM
    Couldn't make it to Casini this year. Going to Coloma this weekend for a new "vintage rally". 40 trailers. New group for me. "New blood". We'll see. Should be great weather!
  10. Luminati
    04-18-2011 05:52 PM
    Fun weekend at Casini! So happy to have met you and Scott.
    We'll be in touch!
    Cheers! Karin and Mark

About Me

  • About Globie64
    South Kingstown
    Rhode Island
    Trailer #1
    1964 19' Globetrotter
    Other Interests
    architecture, biking, cooking what my partner grows, travel to obscure places, old Mopars
    About My Tow Vehicle
    2012 Honda Pilot EX-L 4WD
    Courtesy Parking
  • Signature
    Wherever you go, there you are


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 09-15-2023 09:46 PM
  • Join Date: 12-26-2004
  • Referrals: 1


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Posted 10-20-2009 at 07:55 PM by Globie64 Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
With the Globie sitting in the driveway and the Por15 drying, something compelled me to see what happened when I connected the Airstream to the house with the big black cord. I had had the battery and connections to the tow vehicle replaced, and the battery powered the lights and fans, but I was curious about the Univolt and the whole line voltage system. I got a fire extinguisher close by, opened up the connection on the back of the trailer, and connected the cable. I plugged in the other...

Posted 10-19-2009 at 04:13 PM by Globie64 Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
I posted some pictures last week of our Airstream on the first day we got it home, and was reminded of how much work I've done to the thing. The trailer was totally intact,down to the original draperies, but a leaking skylight had rotted out the floor. The project became replacing the whole floor, except under the bathroom. Thinking back, I must've been out of my mind, buying the trailer on a whim, falling in love with the Globetrotter. I had no clue what was involved with replacing the floor,...

Posted 10-17-2009 at 04:05 PM by Globie64 Comments 2
Posted in Uncategorized
I think we crossed a major hurdle here the other day, when my partner stuck his head into the Globetrotter and said something like "wow, this looks so nice, where are we going to take it first?". When I recovered from the shock, I said I thought we'd just take it up the highway to Gualala Point Park, to see how stuff works, and be close enough to home in case he couldn't stand it. THERE, he could just walk home, if need be. His suggestion: Joshua Tree in January. The back story here...
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Hi, thanks. Me was...
Posted 10-19-2009 at 03:51 PM by Globie64 Globie64 is offline
Good for you! Persistence,...
Posted 10-18-2009 at 03:40 PM by maxandgeorgia maxandgeorgia is offline

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