01-17-2025, 05:50 AM
2 Rivet Member 
2022 22' Caravel
2025 25' Flying Cloud
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, Georgia
Join Date: Jan 2022
Posts: 27
New Flying Cloud 25 FBT
We are trading in our 22FB Caravel at the end of the month and picking up a 2025 25 FBT Flying Cloud. I had a couple questions about what to get the dealer to put on prior to pick up and also about moving from 30 Amp to 50 Amp.
Do I need to put soft start on both AC units or just one and if just one what unit?
Do you recommend 3" lift? We have not had issue with the Caravel but are retiring soon and would like to go on longer trips out West and to Canada in near future.
We got the 300 W Solar package with Lion Batteries and currently have Genconnex RV2 package 2kw 120VAC-30A propane system. Using the Genconnex GXG-LP-EU2200i-COMP-EC Propane modified Honda Inverter Generator. Since the FC is a 50 AMP is there a converter I need to get or do I need to get another to run in parallel?
On the solar pc would a portable suitcase be good addition and if so would 200W addition be enough with the 300W solar on the roof?
Obviously I need to change out my surge protection to 50 AMP any thing else that I am missing or need moving to 50 AMP or that you would recommend having dealer install prior to pick up?
Thanks for any feedback.
01-17-2025, 07:19 AM
4 Rivet Member 
2025 25' Flying Cloud
2024 Interstate 19
, Indiana
Join Date: Jun 2016
Posts: 252
Originally Posted by ToddD
We are trading in our 22FB Caravel at the end of the month and picking up a 2025 25 FBT Flying Cloud. I had a couple questions about what to get the dealer to put on prior to pick up and also about moving from 30 Amp to 50 Amp.
Do I need to put soft start on both AC units or just one and if just one what unit?
Do you recommend 3" lift? We have not had issue with the Caravel but are retiring soon and would like to go on longer trips out West and to Canada in near future.
We got the 300 W Solar package with Lion Batteries and currently have Genconnex RV2 package 2kw 120VAC-30A propane system. Using the Genconnex GXG-LP-EU2200i-COMP-EC Propane modified Honda Inverter Generator. Since the FC is a 50 AMP is there a converter I need to get or do I need to get another to run in parallel?
On the solar pc would a portable suitcase be good addition and if so would 200W addition be enough with the 300W solar on the roof?
Obviously I need to change out my surge protection to 50 AMP any thing else that I am missing or need moving to 50 AMP or that you would recommend having dealer install prior to pick up?
Thanks for any feedback.
Bought the exact same unit and also upgraded from a Caravel. We got the hatch. Same solar.
Good move on the 50A and dual airs.
Soft starts are always a good idea. Your 2KW generator won't carry both Acs even with soft starts.
As far as a carry, that 'depends' where you intend to camp and for how long. Your new unit has an SAE connector right on the battery box. However, you will be limited with those batteries if you intend to stay off grid for very long. Your new fridge and freezer can consume 75w x24 hours or 1800 watt hours (in hot weather) which will deplete your energy without sun.
Consider an upgrade to Lithium and a larger inverter that can carry both Acs with soft starts. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?lis...XYxtsuSbcysrhP
01-17-2025, 08:12 AM
Rivet Master 
2019 27' Globetrotter
, Illinois
Join Date: Apr 2018
Posts: 2,588
ToddD, congratulations on your upgrade! You’re going to love the additional room in the 25’ as well as the 50A service.
Yes, soft starts are definitely a plus when running on a generator. I would check with JC or your dealer to see if your air conditioners came with them from the factory as some manufacturers were installing them.
We chose to install a Micro-Air EasyStart in the 15K unit first while at the Fryeburg International Rally in Maine several years ago. Last year I installed one in our 13.5K unit after picking up a Champion 2500 Dual-Fuel generator. It can run either AC unit on propane.
Also, you will want to get a 50A EMS unit. We had a Progressive Industries external unit which worked great but when I upgraded to a Victron MultiPlus II, I installed a Hughes WatchDog internal EMS.
If you’re interested, you can have our 50A Progressive EMS-PT50X for $100 plus shipping. We’re in Northern IL, close to Indiana so it shouldn’t be terribly expensive to ship via USPS. Send me a PM if interested.
Good luck!
2019 27’ Globetrotter FBT Walnut/Dublin Slate
2018 FC23FB
2019 Ram 2500 6.4 Hemi Laramie Blue Ox 1000#
WBCCI# 10258
01-17-2025, 08:23 AM
Rivet Master 
2019 25' Flying Cloud
, Texas
Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 1,150
We have had a 25RB for 5 years and nearly 40K miles. No lift and we have never scraped the rear skids. So, in my opinion, a lift is not needed on a 25.
I started with one softstart, but added one to the other A/C to have flexibility to run either one from the Genconnex 2200i. In the summer sun, choosing which one to run is nice.
The regular outlets on a Honda 2200i are 20 amp, which is more than a single generator produces so when I connect I just use a dogbone from a household style receptacle to our 50amp cord.
Congrats on the new trailer.
01-17-2025, 09:17 AM
Rivet Master 
2022 25' Flying Cloud
, Ontario
Join Date: Feb 2017
Posts: 3,522
our two year old Fc 25Fb came with soft start from the factory
no need to add one for newer models
2023 25' FB FC, hatch, Queen,30A,1AC,Awning pkg, Convection uwave.Multiplus 12/3000-50,700A Lion,MPPT 100/30,Orion-TR 30,Cerbo GX,GX touch 50,Lynx distributor,dual BMV-712, smart shunt 500A&1000A, RUUVI temp/humidity sensors,2 Mopeka LP sensors
NCR,Ontario,VE3HIU since 1978
WBCCI# 21212
01-17-2025, 10:40 AM
Rivet Master 

2023 25' Globetrotter
2021 16' Bambi
Forest Lake
, Minnesota
Join Date: Mar 2021
Posts: 1,879
We have a unlifted 25' and haven't scraped at all. We haven't done any off-road travel but have travelled to all the places you want to go.
As a data point, we are not generator people but with 300W on the roof and 420W in external panels, 400Ah batteries, and a DC-DC charger we can go almost indefinitely with decent sunlight. That is with a 12V refrigerator, Starlink, and computers as the major loads (used judiciously). We avoid camping unplugged where it's hot however.
With the external solar panels I wired a Victron Smart 100|30 controller and added another SAE connector so we can plug in two sets of panels. We get a lot more juice from these than the roof which is often shaded or not oriented to the sun. I also replaced the stock 130|50 Blue rooftop controller with the Smart 100|30 which makes it easier to monitor and plays with other Victron equipment. It's easy to do.
Depending on your camping style and how energy independent you want to be, one of the first things I did with ours was to move the batteries inside and installed a 4x100Ah bank under one of the beds. Just food for thought.
2023 Globetrotter 25FBT "Curly"
2017 Audi Q7 3.0T
WBCCI 6343
01-17-2025, 12:02 PM
2 Rivet Member 
2022 25' International
, Washington
Join Date: Mar 2020
Posts: 20
With respect to 50 vs. 30 amp, I see little benefit from the former and the cord size is much larger and more difficult to stow. Also, unless planning to do substantial off road travel raising unit by 3” would seem to raise center of gravity (stability issue), reduce aerodynamic advantage and increase fuel use. I pull a 25’ International.
01-17-2025, 12:38 PM
Rivet Master 

2023 25' Globetrotter
2021 16' Bambi
Forest Lake
, Minnesota
Join Date: Mar 2021
Posts: 1,879
Originally Posted by T James
With respect to 50 vs. 30 amp, I see little benefit from the former and the cord size is much larger and more difficult to stow. Also, unless planning to do substantial off road travel raising unit by 3” would seem to raise center of gravity (stability issue), reduce aerodynamic advantage and increase fuel use. I pull a 25’ International.
I'm all about a single A/C here in Minnesota, but the OP is in Georgia, so two is probably mandatory.
2023 Globetrotter 25FBT "Curly"
2017 Audi Q7 3.0T
WBCCI 6343
01-17-2025, 12:46 PM
4 Rivet Member 
2005 25' Safari
palm beach gardens
, Florida
Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 320
We put in 3" lift and it provides some peace of mind. You don't have to go off road to need, it only takes a bad drive way which you can encounter anywhere.
No stability issues under way. You might need extra set of leveling blocks which I like to have anyway
01-17-2025, 12:58 PM
Rivet Master 
2015 25' Flying Cloud
, Illinois
Join Date: Jun 2020
Posts: 666
We have a 25' RBT (several years used when it came to us), and it was factory (not lifted) for the first 9 months we had it. We scraped a few times at some fuel stops where the entry slope was fairly aggressive, and we like to be off the beaten path more than on the main highway so with those 2 factors we elected to install the lift. We are very happy we did so, and cannot tell the difference in any stability, or fuel mileage change. Airstream itself is now including a factory installed 3" lift on the Tradewind model (also a 25' floorpan) so that should give you some reassurance that it is safe to do it. Is it *needed* ? ... probably not, but it is a nice bit of insurance against unexpected conditions, and I would do it again. Also a huge fan of portable (suitcase style) solar panels, I dont like to run a generator, in fact I rarely carry it anymore after my 3x100ah Lion upgrade work. Many times a campsite will be in partial, or full shade, rendering rooftop panels almost no value, so portable panels ensure you have maximum chance of clear sky for your recharge efforts. Be sure to have a bit of "extension" cable (heavy gauge wire to minimize losses) so you can reach the sun. Also best to have a separate controller for the portables, because the overall performance will be more optimal that way, especially when the rooftop is shaded. Most of them offer an option with or without a controller, if you have multiple choices most agree you should get an MPPT type controller. Wish you all the best with your new unit, hope you are able get out on the road and enjoy it soon.
01-19-2025, 08:37 AM
2 Rivet Member 
2022 22' Caravel
2025 25' Flying Cloud
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, Georgia
Join Date: Jan 2022
Posts: 27
Originally Posted by vanderwielen
Bought the exact same unit and also upgraded from a Caravel. We got the hatch. Same solar.
Good move on the 50A and dual airs.
Soft starts are always a good idea. Your 2KW generator won't carry both Acs even with soft starts.
As far as a carry, that 'depends' where you intend to camp and for how long. Your new unit has an SAE connector right on the battery box. However, you will be limited with those batteries if you intend to stay off grid for very long. Your new fridge and freezer can consume 75w x24 hours or 1800 watt hours (in hot weather) which will deplete your energy without sun.
Consider an upgrade to Lithium and a larger inverter that can carry both Acs with soft starts. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?lis...XYxtsuSbcysrhP
Thanks for sending the video. Very Interesting but I am not that handy. I would need to have someone help with the installation. Is this your install how much solar do you have on roof or panels.
01-19-2025, 09:07 AM
Rivet Master 
2019 27' Globetrotter
, Illinois
Join Date: Apr 2018
Posts: 2,588
Try it “as is” then see what you need
ToddD, you’re asking all the right questions but much of it depends on your camping experiences and finding out what you really need.
Your solar package and lithium batteries are a good start. Why not give it a season to see what you find lacking. It’s possible one EasyStart would be enough.
We camped for three seasons with AGM batteries and a pair of 90W solar panels. We added one EasyStart in year three which allowed us to run the main AC on a propane generator.
Eventually we decided to replace the AGM’s with one Battle Born GC3 270Ah and a Victron MultiPlus II which can run one AC for an hour, enough to cool down at rest stops. It also can “assist” if you’re on less than 50A shore power so you can run anything inside the trailer.
So, why not just give it a try and see what you really need?
Good luck!
2019 27’ Globetrotter FBT Walnut/Dublin Slate
2018 FC23FB
2019 Ram 2500 6.4 Hemi Laramie Blue Ox 1000#
WBCCI# 10258
01-19-2025, 09:08 AM
4 Rivet Member 
2025 25' Flying Cloud
2024 Interstate 19
, Indiana
Join Date: Jun 2016
Posts: 252
Originally Posted by ToddD
Thanks for sending the video. Very Interesting but I am not that handy. I would need to have someone help with the installation. Is this your install how much solar do you have on roof or panels.
I installed this. Im an E.E. I understand your reluctance. Having this done by a qualified shop would probably run 8k-ish
01-19-2025, 11:08 AM
2 Rivet Member 
2022 22' Caravel
2025 25' Flying Cloud
Currently Looking...
, Georgia
Join Date: Jan 2022
Posts: 27
Originally Posted by jeffmc306
ToddD, you’re asking all the right questions but much of it depends on your camping experiences and finding out what you really need.
Your solar package and lithium batteries are a good start. Why not give it a season to see what you find lacking. It’s possible one EasyStart would be enough.
We camped for three seasons with AGM batteries and a pair of 90W solar panels. We added one EasyStart in year three which allowed us to run the main AC on a propane generator.
Eventually we decided to replace the AGM’s with one Battle Born GC3 270Ah and a Victron MultiPlus II which can run one AC for an hour, enough to cool down at rest stops. It also can “assist” if you’re on less than 50A shore power so you can run anything inside the trailer.
So, why not just give it a try and see what you really need?
Good luck!
Thanks! This is good advice. In our Caravel we have mostly camped at State Parks and have had shore power. We are hoping to get off the grid a little more in the next year. I will see how it goes with current solar and go from there. Thanks everyone for the replies.
01-19-2025, 02:53 PM
Rivet Master 
2017 28' Flying Cloud
2014 25' FB Flying Cloud
2008 25' Safari FB SE
Georgetown (winter)Thayne (summer)
, Texas & Wyoming
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 7,437
Originally Posted by ToddD
Thanks! This is good advice. In our Caravel we have mostly camped at State Parks and have had shore power. We are hoping to get off the grid a little more in the next year. I will see how it goes with current solar and go from there. Thanks everyone for the replies.
You have many good prices and great choices with the Lithium batteries these days to help extend your boondocking, for under $250 each. The Battleborn are very expensive compared to the competition out there these days. Lithium batteries have come a long way last few years. I just installed 2 100AH LiTime Group 24's with Bluetooth monitoring to my phone; they fit nicely in my battery box up front, for $500~ total. (also reduced Toung weight by 100lbs) The Epoch and others today, offer 1, 12V battery now with 300AH that will also fit up front. Had I known about it 8 months back, I would likely have selected that one battery. However, I am pleased with my 2 LiTime batteries. World of difference; we went 5 days earlier year boondocking with friends, and still had 57% charge left on our Lithiums, and could go down to ~15-20%~ with full 12V+ available vs with our old lead acid; where we would watch the full charge of 12.6 V go down below 12 V after a day or so of use.
Empty Nesters; Gypsies on the road! 2017 28' Twin Flying Cloud
2017 F250 King Ranch, 4X4, 6.7L, Blue-Ox WDH
Summer-Star Valley Ranch RV Resort (Thayne, WY); Winter-Sun City (Georgetown,TX)
01-19-2025, 06:29 PM
2 Rivet Member 
2024 25' International
, South Carolina
Join Date: Feb 2023
Posts: 21
Yes on the 3" lift. Nothing to lose, everything to gain.
01-19-2025, 08:14 PM
Rivet Master 

2021 30' Flying Cloud
Airstream - Other
Airstream - Other
Lady Lake
, Florida
Join Date: Mar 2018
Posts: 1,336
50 amp
Had a 25 with a 30 amp one AC. Yea one summer trip and quickly that was not a great idea. Now have 50 amp with 2 AC units.
The new std Airstream Smart Plug Cords are much more flexible than the old python snakes in the cold yes they are more heavy.
No! It’s not smart to suggest saying you don’t need a micro air.
Even ( Questionable! ) if your AC unit claims it has a soft start it does not have current watch or power up cycle protection like Micro Air’s system.
A Watch Dod or Progressive surge devise is a smart good first defense but cannot protect from brown outs or surges like the Micro- Air last defense can.
Originally Posted by T James
With respect to 50 vs. 30 amp, I see little benefit from the former and the cord size is much larger and more difficult to stow. Also, unless planning to do substantial off road travel raising unit by 3” would seem to raise center of gravity (stability issue), reduce aerodynamic advantage and increase fuel use. I pull a 25’ International.
01-22-2025, 10:11 AM
2020 Globetrotter 25 FBT
2020 25' Globetrotter
, Missouri
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 2,667
We did a similar upsize. (23 to 25FB twin). We don’t camp in extreme heat. (TX or FL in the summer) and seldom even need the single AC we have. We do however, need and appreciate the 3” lift. We like rustic out of the way campgrounds. Along with nice ones like Blue Water Key. But our summer camping is in the mountains and we squeeze into smaller sites, often a bit rougher. The 3” lift was added after I scraped hard coming out of a site in WY. I also don’t have to worry about getting in and out of gas stations with steep ramps. It’s just a great upgrade as far as I’m concerned. As others have said, no reason not to lift it.
You’ll love the 25FB twin. Good move.
2020 25GT FBT
2012 Toyota Tundra Dbl Cab, 5.7 4x4
Previous AS trailers: (04) 19’ Bambi, and (11) FC 23FB
01-22-2025, 11:11 AM
2 Rivet Member 
2025 25' Trade Wind
Beaver Dam
, Wisconsin
Join Date: Jan 2025
Posts: 38
Originally Posted by ToddD
Thanks! This is good advice. In our Caravel we have mostly camped at State Parks and have had shore power. We are hoping to get off the grid a little more in the next year. I will see how it goes with current solar and go from there. Thanks everyone for the replies.
"Not handy" and off grid...
Try a walk through of a 2025 Trade Wind. It is designed for off grid camping.
- 800+ watts of solar can run two air conditioners in the sun
- 600 amp hours of lithium mid mounted under the floor
- Victron system with Multiplus to manage it all
- Whole house inverting including air conditioning
- No generator needed in sunny places
- Rear hatch that opens to bring the outside in.
- 3" lift from Flying cloud height
01-22-2025, 01:05 PM
2 Rivet Member 
2024 27' Flying Cloud
Rocky Mount
, Virginia
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 52
Originally Posted by waninae39
our two year old Fc 25Fb came with soft start from the factory
no need to add one for newer models
I am curious are these Dometic AC's?
I have 2024 Flying Cloud 27 FBT with twin GE Profile AC's. Do I have the soft starts stock from the factory?
It's my understanding that the Tradewind GE Profiles have them (soft starts) and mine doesn't.
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