We ordered an International Signature 30 a week or so ago from Airstream of Scottsdale.
Espresso ultra leather
Electric awning
Awning package
Back-up camera
Twin beds
Classic wheel/tires 16”/Michelin ($2000 for all five)
We were very pleased to just find out it should be completed on16 March! Seems very quick.
It will then go to Service Center for the wheel/tire swap.
This forum has been SO helpful! I’ve been lurking here for over a year.
I’ll follow up with our delivery experience with AS of Scottsdale
2009 25' FB International
2018 27' Globetrotter
, Florida
Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 3,986
Originally Posted by Nightmare67
We ordered an International Signature 30 a week or so ago from Airstream of Scottsdale.
Espresso ultra leather
Electric awning
Awning package
Back-up camera
Twin beds
Classic wheel/tires 16”/Michelin ($2000 for all five)
We were very pleased to just find out it should be completed on16 March! Seems very quick.
It will then go to Service Center for the wheel/tire swap.
This forum has been SO helpful! I’ve been lurking here for over a year.
I’ll follow up with our delivery experience with AS of Scottsdale
Wish us luck!
Congrats on your new AS. Sounds like you are excited and I can understand why! And March 16 is pretty quick for a new order.
Congrats! We bought ours a year ago when they were over in Mesa. Was a great buying experience. Service was not the best, but I understand there was a committment to better service when they moved.
2016 Int. Signature 28' w/ ProPride 3P-1400 Hitch
Mich. LTX w/ 16" Sendels, Centramatics
2017 Ram 2500 4x4 Diesel, CG1800 Bed slide, Leer topper
Better to live one day a lion than a lifetime a sheep. Camp hard, camp often
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