Toilet mirror hinge.....arrrrgh
2106 International 25FB
So my wife says the mirror in the bathroom (really the toilet room) seems wonky.
Go to check it and yep it is.
Seems the hinge screws attaching the hinge to the particle board box behind the mirror are coming out.
In this model there is a full width frameless mirror used as a flip up door to the box/cabinet storage behind it.
AS built this mirror door with nothing to hold it open but you. Since, they have corrected this with proper hinges that hold this heavy door/mirror open above your head.
Well I had already 'fixed' this with a hydraulic cylinder prop. Maybe that put extra strain on the hinge screws. Take the mirror off and see that these screws barely penetrate the wood(particle board)...maybe a 1/4".
That is just horrible engineering.
The part of the hinge attached to the box does have access to the back of that particle board for ONE screw on either side hinge. So I utilized a screw/washer and nut/washer to offer up a more solid attachment for the hinge.
Alas the hinge attachment to the door/mirror still has the small screws but at least there are 3 screws holding the hinge to the door/mirror.
More to fix on the AS. I'm sure it was engineered this way for cost and production reasons.