I just posted a new ad on Airstream Classifieds.
Set of 5 Airstream wheels, tires and trailer wheels, 15" Goodyear Marathon ST 225 75 R 15 - D load rating, 28,000 miles on four tires with aluminum trailer wheel + one unused spare wheel on steel trailer wheel, 2 years 6 months since we bought the new camper, no damage to tires, good condition with estimated 40% life remaining and tread shown by photo of a penny in the tire tread. Tire manufacture dates a mix of 2713, 3413, 1314.
We are located in zip code 22560 in Virginia. You can pickup at our location or arrange for pickup bya carrier - suggest uship.com
$300 for the set of 5 wheels, PayPal, Venmo or Credit card. Email
airstream@db26.net if you have any questions or are interested....
You can contact us by filling in the form on the right hand column of the ad listing: