Title: Add New - Airstream Trailer Classifieds - Airstream Trailers For Sale
I just posted a new ad on Airstream Classifieds.
Prodigy® RF Electronic Brake Control, for 1 to 3 Axle Trailers, Trailer Mounted, Proportional
Utilize for rental businesses, fleet ownerships or multiple tow vehicles. Requires no leveling.
Remote Hand Held Unit
No under dash wiring necessary – utilizes wireless communication
The original “Boost” feature allows for different levels of customized braking
System runs continual diagnostics and displays fault codes in hand held unit’s display
Plugs into standard 12-volt power accessory adapter
5 year limited warranty
Trailer Mount (Power Module) Unit
Utilizes standard sealed 8’ blade style 7-Way connector
Multiple mounting positions on tongue or front of trailer
You can contact us by filling in the form on the right hand column of the ad listing: