Title: Add New - Airstream Trailer Classifieds - Airstream Trailers For Sale
I just posted a new ad on Airstream Classifieds.
I have a radiator from a Chevy P30. It came out of a 1981 Southwind motorhome and is identical to the radiator in my 1976 Argosy. I was going to use it in mine but decided to get my original radiator recored and painted.
This radiator works and has no leaks in it. Also has the transmission cooler built into the lower tank. It was pulled from a working RV. I drove this RV and it did not get close to over heating.
The radiator is being sold AS IS. If desired I can get the radiator recored for you and it will look like brand new.
I will try to post pictures of it this weekend or early in the week.
Make an offer.
You can contact us by filling in the form on the right hand column of the ad listing: