Title: Add New - Airstream Trailer Classifieds - Airstream Trailers For Sale
I just posted a new ad on Airstream Classifieds.
I am wrapping up my restoration of my Argosy and I have quite a few parts left over that I can part with. Feel free to reach out to me for any additional info.
Tambour cabinets for all upper storage (3 main sections with 2 halves in each section). Also includes the plastic pieces that the tambour rolls up into. Cabinet frames are not included. $125 - FREE SHIPPING
2 Way Dometic Refrigerator 24′ W x 40 H – Average condition, no major blemishes or issues, but will need a new cooling unit – FREE but local pickup ONLY.
Curtains for entire trailer minus bathroom – front panoramic windows, bedroom window, window opposite bed, good shape, hangers 95% in tact – $75, free shipping.
Gas Suburban Furnace – Average condition – Free. Local pickup ONLY.
You can contact us by filling in the form on the right hand column of the ad listing: