Title: 2015 Airstream Flying Cloud 20 - South Carolina
I just posted a new ad on Airstream Classifieds.
2015 Flying Cloud Bambi for sale in great condition with light use. Major features include full-size bed in front of camper, 5-cubic foot refrigerator, stove top and oven, full awning, aluminum 2-bike rack mounted to rear, rear-view camera installed with display screen that mounts to your vehicle's dash or windshield, satellite TV, DVD, upgraded stereo and more.
A perfect size for a couple that wants to experience the great outdoors from their front doorstep. Very easy to tow, pull through or back in to any campsite. Setup takes just a few minutes and you're ready to relax and enjoy outdoor living as you only can in an American classic - the Airstream Flying Cloud.
You can contact us by filling in the form on the right hand column of the ad listing: