Title: 2013 Airstream Flying Cloud 27 - Oklahoma
I just posted a new ad on Airstream Classifieds.
Airstream 27FB Flying Cloud 2013
This beautiful Airstream has close to 6000 miles of use, 2 Air conditioner/Heat pump units, a 25,000 BTU Furnace, 3 burner cooktop with oven and vent, 7 CuFt. 2-way Elec/Propane refrigerator, a fantastic fan, 6 gallon LP/Elec. water heater, AM/FM/CD/DVD/ Blu-Ray DVD player, 2 T.V.s, new tires this year with 3088 miles on them and a ProPride hitch.
You can contact us by filling in the form on the right hand column of the ad listing: