Title: 2013 Airstream Flying Cloud 28 - Washington
I just posted a new ad on Airstream Classifieds.
MEMORIAL DAY SPECIAL!! MAKE AN OFFER!! GREAT PRICE!! 2013 Airstream 28ft Flying Cloud. Original owners. Well maintained. Excellent condition inside and outside. No dents. Nonsmokers. Sleeps 2-6. Living area upfront. Fiberglass shower with glass door and retractable clothes line. China toilet and stainless steel round sink. Mirrored medicine cabinet. 60" x 75" Island Queen bed with pneumatic lift and storage underneath. Galley with stainless steel 18" single sink bowl. Cutlery drawer with organizer. L-lounge with storage compartments. APPLIANCES - 15,000 BTU AC/heat pump and electric controls. 30,000 BTU furnace with electronic ignition. 3 burner cooktop w/oven/range hood light and vent. 7 cu ft 2-way auto refrigerator w/aluminum inserts. 2 fantastics vents - exhaust /12 v bath fan. 6 gallon LP/electric water heater XT series. Wall mounted probeless tank monitoring system. ENTERTAINMENT - AM/FM/CD/DVD Blu-Ray DVD; 6.5" 2 way speakers. 100 ?W Active subwoofer; AM/FM Tune tray. Control for iPod/MP3; external USB input. 26" LED HD TV/HDMI pre-wire-bedroom/cable ready. Electrical - LED lighting. Solar and satellite pre-wire. Exterior lighting package. 120V exterior outlet. SYSTEMS - 30# steel LPG bottles x 2 with aluminum cover. 4 GPM water pump. 39 gal fresh water tank. 35 gal black water tank. "No Fuss" tank flush system. CHASIS - 7600# GVWR. 7600# axel system. 976# hitch wght. Styled aluminum wheels. 12" Electric Drum NEV-R-Adjust brakes and NEV-R-Lube Hubs. 3000# electric hitch jack. Of course all with the top quality of Airstream construction! "Equal-i-zer" stabilizer included.
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