Title: 2012 Airstream International 27 - California
We just listed our 2012 Airstream International for Sale on Airstream Classifieds.
Year: 2012 Make: Airstream Model: International Length: 27'
2012 Airstream International Signature 27FB
Live the "Riveted Life!" We have and we loved it! And we love our Airstream trailer. But must sell it soon. It is in excellent condition. In addition to all the standard equipment, we added everything you need for boondocking and/or RV-park-free camping -- a solar panel, batteries and inverter. The Front Bedroom model is delightful as you can enjoy your meals with great views (see photos). Also includes a self-syncing roof-mounted DirecTV satellite dish with LED HD TV, an Equalizer stabilizer with sway control bars, hoses, and various tools. All ready to roll and a great deal for $64,995.
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