Title: 2007 Airstream Safari 28 - Colorado
I just posted a new ad on Airstream Classifieds.
2007 Safari 75th Anniversary Edition. Brand new all-function fridge and hot water heater, brand new Zip Dee awning, all work done by reputable Aistream deal Out of Doors Mart in Greensboro NC. New tires and bearings in great shape. A/C system with heat pump, works great and awesome for propane conservation. Includes anti-sway hitch system, all accessories. Queen bed with walk around space and side closets in rear, sectional couch and middle booth both convert to extra beds. In great shape, one minor dent on aluminum located near roof on upper left side, simply cosmetic and hardly noticeable, causes no leakage. Currently located in Colorado Springs on the Air Force Academy RV park - civilian access to base for viewing is no problem, get in touch with me for instructions.
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