Title: 2000 Airstream Excella 28 - Louisiana
I just posted a new ad on Airstream Classifieds.
Current owners purchased this Airstream in 2013. In 2014 all tires were replaced and all window and door gaskets were replace. In 2015 the following was preformed, complete replacement of brake assembly on all four wheels, 2 new Interstate deep cycle batteries with new converter, original skylights removed and replace with Maxium skylights, all old sealant/caulking was removed and all roof plumbing vents, fan vents, skylights, etc. were resealed with Sikaflex. After curing the entire roof was coated with 2 coats of Hengs Alkyd Fibered Roof Coating. The jackknife sofa was removed and replace with Lazy Boy leather reclines, (I still have the sofa and it will stay with the trailer.) All cabinet hardware was replaced with Satin Nickel fixtures. Stainless steel back splash installed behind stove. Carpet removed and replaced with wood grain vinyl. This Excella is in excellent. Call with questions.
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