Title: 1998 Airstream Safari 25 - South Dakota
I just posted a new ad on Airstream Classifieds.
1998 Safari, remolded to open front into living room and back into queen size memory foam bed. Trailer has been in sunbelt until 2017 and stored inside the Some last three years due to retirement. All original fixtures are in storage with trailer (included in sale price). Electronics updated to include a second battery for dry camping and extended road time. All cabinets, wall fixtures, etc., maintained and original. Panel 26 (left corner) has a bird strike and requires “rolling” or simple replacement. Otherwise, trailer is in nice condition, but have realized that retirement precludes my future use, hence for sale as pick-up in western (Rapid City) South Dakota.
You can contact us by filling in the form on the right hand column of the ad listing: