Title: 1998 Airstream Cutter Bus Diesel Pusher 35 - Georgia
I just posted a new ad on Airstream Classifieds.
1998, 35ft, Airstream Cutter, Diesel Pusher with one slide. Has CAT 300 diesel. Runs strong and pure! I tow a Mini Cooper countryman and don't even realize it is there. Has 7500 Quiet Diesel Onan generator with only 1051 hrs. Also runs great. Serviced regularly. Freightliner chassis. Tire have only approx 10,000 miles on them. New chassis batteries in 2016. New hydraulic leveling system in 2015. Front suspension airbags replaced in 2018. Four window awnings that are a nice feature to have. Check out the photos to see the beautiful and clean interior. Has a roof satellite system if you want to activate. Loads of owner pride. All of this and you get to be a member of the Airstream clubs and take advantage of the discounted parks! We have put 10,000 miles on this unit over the past 18 months and love it. It has served us well.
You can contact us by filling in the form on the right hand column of the ad listing: