Title: 1987 Airstream Argosy 32 - Arizona
We just listed our 1987 Airstream Argosy for Sale on Airstream Classifieds.
Year: 1987 Make: Airstream Model: Argosy Length: 32'
Hi I am selling my 1987 Argosy by airstream 32ft double door in great condition very nice and clean all original one owner. sleeps/6. double air. Awning all around. Fully self-contained. Equipped with. Oven/fridge/Micro/4 burner stove / full-size bathroom/dining room/ everything works great. This trailer needs nothing. Too much to list only. Asking$11.500.o.b.o for more info call 602-501-5844 no emails ps very rare and hard-to-find
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