Title: 1979 Airstream Excella 28 28 - Oklahoma
I just posted a new ad on Airstream Classifieds.
Beautiful vintage Airstream Motorhome. Purchased about a year ago, and immediately begin a restoration process. Interior upgrades include new black leather jackknife sofa, two black leather chairs forward. Driver/passenger seats and rear jackknife sofa reupholstered. Hardword floors installed. 454 motor has had complete top end rebuild with new carb, and front suspension has been redone. All new tires. To my knowledge, everything works, with the exception of the fuel gauge and the speedo.
I put this rig in the shop in January, and did not get it back until June. In the interim, I purchased another coach. Both are for sale and I will keep the one that doesn't sell first. The is a really, really nice older Airstream. Any reasonable offer will be considered. It's ready to roll. I can send additional photos on request.
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