Title: 1975 Airstream Tradewind 25 - Massachusetts
I just posted a new ad on Airstream Classifieds.
I had big dreams for this 8 years ago when I bought her. I used it regularly for the first 3 years, but I bought a newer/more practical camper when my camping family grew. I just couldn't part with her and figured I would get around to a full refurb "one day"...well, that never happened and now she's been sitting for 2 years and I just think it's time to let her go to someone that will treat her right, LOL. Last time I camped in her was 3 summers ago. Everything was working at that time including the AC!! The plumbing is in rough shape - will need to be updated sooner than later and I'm sure if i were to hook up the water, there WILL be leaks here and there. Bathroom, beds, gaucho are original. Kitchen is in a state of mid-remodel. Newer hardwood flooring, newer awning, 3 years ago outside skin was mirror finish and even now after sitting for so long, it doesn't look too bad.*****THIS WAS ORIGINALLY LISTED AS 1975, IT IS IN FACT 1976****
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