Title: 1976 Airstream
Sovereign 31 - Michigan
I just posted a new ad on Airstream Classifieds.
She's all re-done. Bathroom was taken out to avoid tanks and dumping. Never a camping trip problem as bathrooms with showers are always close by.
I have rented her out on AirBNB and was able to charge $100/ night with her in my back yard. The novelty draws tons of attention. Look at all of her pictures on Facebook 'Pure Michigan Airstream'. If you need a tow vehicle, I have that as well and will consider selling my Land Rover LR4 that pulls her like she is a rag doll. That of course is in addition to the price. She will go fast as there is nothing else like her. She sleeps 4 comfortably and you could sleep 5 if someone sleeps on the couch. Plenty of storage under all beds. She will be sold with all camping supplies that are in perfect condition.
You can contact us by filling in the form on the right hand column of the ad listing: