Title: 1974 Airstream Tradewind 25 - Arizona
I just posted a new ad on Airstream Classifieds.
Gutted 1974 25' Airstream Tradewind, ready for a rebuild. Frame is in pretty good shape with only a few spots that need repair. The replacement outriggers come with the trailer. Four new tires on it, tows well. All interior panels and outside lights, badges and vent covers, tanks etc. are inside the trailer and labeled. The interior has a temporary floor so it can be safely towed, and it's down to bare metal. Front curved window has been replaced and all glass is intact. The levers even work. Brake/turn lights are wired for towing. Bill of sale, moving on short notice and need it gone ASAP so it doesn't get scrapped. A great fresh start for a custom project. Call or text Sarah at the number above for more info.
You can contact us by filling in the form on the right hand column of the ad listing: