Title: 1973 Airstream Argosy 24 - Florida
I just posted a new ad on Airstream Classifieds.
1973 24' Argosy. Has been gutted of all interior parts except plastic interior endcaps. Still have matching 'cool green' double sink and working gas stove/oven.
A lot of money has been put into this in the last 6 months, unable to finish and need to sell due to wife demands and life changes.
x4 new 10-ply tires and wheels, sticker still on tires.
Professional welder had it for a month and put on a new tongue, tow chains, new breakaway box, new wiring along the frame to the back for brake light, new steps, new outriggers, x2 new Airstream Dexter Dura Torque Axles with new drums, hubs and brakes installed and a fabricated rear bumper.
Will need new subfloors, interior walls have cleaned up very well and need a coat of paint. I was going to have the carpenter brother-in-law make custom cabinets.
New 10-ply towing tires/rims = $1000
x2 Airstream Dexter Dura Torque Axles = $700/each plus almost $600 in shipping
Professional welder = $2000 for labor + parts (steps, outriggers, breakaway box)
x2 trips to the ER for sutures = ???
I have receipts for all of the above.
I purchased this Argosy 8 months ago for $2800. I will entertain reasonable offers, currently am asking $7000 OBO due to the amount of $$$ put into it recently.
You can contact us by filling in the form on the right hand column of the ad listing: