Title: 1973 Airstream Ambassador 29 - Michigan
I just posted a new ad on Airstream Classifieds.
***Update*** Sale is currently pending as of 9 July.
We had bought our Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol unit hoping for a great find only to discover the usual suspects of leaks AFTER purchase. Unfortunately we are off to South Korea for two years and do not have the time to fix her up before we leave in 2 months. We are willing to make a deal despite paying much more than current selling price. We could have covered up the damage as was done before, but we are much more honest than that. We were just two airstream enthusiasts new to the “old” problems.
All cabinetry is in original great condition. What doesn’t work is the hot water heater and the floor. The floor is solid except in three locations. We pulled up some of the black and white tiles to expose the problem areas and have not determined if it is a shell off or a patch ordeal. The awning was not installed properly and has been leaking for some time which caused enough rot to make the bracket pull out of the wall. The other hole is due to a small opening in the belly in the front behind the hitch. There is also a puncture wound in the front from a rock that we have sealed with aluminum tape as a quick fix. All of the original curtains are there with some slight damage to the elastic and all of the original light fixtures are still working.
We are ready to make a deal!
You can contact us by filling in the form on the right hand column of the ad listing: