Title: 1969 Airstream Globetrotter 21 - California
I just posted a new ad on Airstream Classifieds.
It’s time to part with our Globetrotter. We have owned it for about two years, all of that time it has been in our backyard. We lived in it exclusively for over a year while remodelling our house so it is definitely live-in ready. The following has been completed in the past five years between us and the previous owner.
(3) New Tires, New Axle, New propane tanks, new door lock, new bin locks w/ keys
New sink cabinet with a stainless top/sink rescued from a hotel demolition, new faucet, new ater pump and filter system, new stove, new large size refrigerator w/ new cabinet and formica tops, new table, formica matching, new cushions thruout w/ chenille fabric, new custom pleated curtains on the correct alum tracks, all screens removed, frames refinished and new screens installed, new ceramic dometic toilet, new lavatory fixture,cork floor. All of the interior lights and outlets work. I have not lit the heater. The water heater will not stay lit occasionally, I replaced the thermocouple, but I think it needs a control unit. I light it in the morning for my shower and it works for a couple of hours.
It comes with all of the original plastic drawer bins, the original owners manual and a binder full of receipts. It goes down the road like a million dollars. The body is in pretty good shape, one poorly repaired dent left rear, see pics.
There was some rust in the rear bumper area and the sewer hose storage area that was repaired (covered up)by the previous owner. It is not structural, and I have fiberglassed the compartment and added a drain hose. It looks ok, but it is not show quality. The previous owner did a half way polish, again it is not show quality but it looks presentable. There is a heat pump unit on the roof that does not blow cold.
You can contact us by filling in the form on the right hand column of the ad listing: