1953 Airstream Clipper 17 - Nevada
I just posted a new ad on Airstream Classifieds.
From what I can find out it's the first year for a Safari and even the DMV in Nevada could not find any record so the pink slip shows 1979. The photos that I have researched shows it has to be an early Safari. I do not have the money to restore the trailer to the condition it deserves or could have. Plus I totaled the old F150 (didn't take much a soft rear-ender) and can not replace... the only trip I took was 4 years ago, a wonderful 3 1/2 month adventure about the United States. An Amazing, wonderful experiences, met really nice people and wonder why anyone would not call our nation great. We are a long way from perfect but good grief, if a tea party teacher from the University of Oklahoma and me, a liberal from the San Francisco Bay Area can solve some the worlds problems? at a very impressive state park in Florida close to great beaches... Just a little example of how good the trip was..... duplication would be impossible.
So last week I faced reality, I really have sell the Airstream. It has a solar panel that runs the little ice-chest like refrigerator, no stove, or propane tanks, almost new A/C just used on the trip and around $10,000 on almost nothing done but since I was clueless getting ripped off on the work done to it wasn't hard to do to me. Have the paper work on it too... LOL No leaks, have the most of the frames for the windows that to me would take an aviation engineer to put back together... I tried to re-tile twice but haven't set the 2nd attempt. It's park in my car port in Las Vegas,,, feel free e-mail me if you would like to look at it...at
harleynixonbarnes@yahoo.com Thanks for your time.
As you can tell, I fell in love with this old trailer....to me looking at all the adventures that Wally took, it's more than just an RV, but fulfilled something I had planned to do for 30 years after retirement. I apologize writing about what the old AIRSTREAM is me, about a wanting to learn about our nation, but it just brought that out in every way If you are on this site you probably understand already. Thanks again for reading and to the site.
*** Today Sept. 21, Price lower and or best offer has been added. Please be serious, and a warning to others... (first 6 inquires 3 were scammers) but other than that people have been so nice, Amazing . Everyone that has been serious about buying the old trailer has been wonderful to talk to and e-mail. I've enjoyed talking to all of you. One nice person even suggest I called the old Airstream Wally, and even though she didn't buy it, I liked her suggesting so much... I'm calling it Wally.
John Barnes
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