I recently got called on to do a reproduction of a sunflower fairy mural. Its not finished of course...I have about three hours of morning light before the heat sets in...then return to install the rest of this in the PM when it is miserable outside and the sun is setting. But I did post a shot of the original and also the one I am painting. What do you think? It's for a little girls room.
Brain, it is to be installed in an upstairs room that has angled walls. So in the end it will be paneled in sections. One wall (at the floor) goes up four feet...then angles and goes up six more feet. Making it ten feet total. I get some interesting requests and this is one of them.lol
Thanks HiHo, The thing is so big that we could not find an interior place to paint it. So I said what the heck, we will just make a two by four easel and screw it to the back of the radio station building and paint it there. This way I can just step out - hook up air - and paint.
Now twelve hours has passed and I got a little bit more done (as far as installing the colors) Then in the morning, I will mix up a batch of satin black Oil paint, and put it where it belongs. Here's todays progress.
Almost done...eight hours later passing time at a nearby swimming pool to cool off, then came home and knocked out the bumble bee and centers of the flowers. The last thing will be the highlights throughout the picture to bring it to life...and then her face.
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