I have just bought a 2012 25 RB Flying Cloud. Took it out for a test run yesterday. The out side temp was 82 and the rear I'd the unit was in the sun. It has the front and rear rap around windows. 77 was the best it could get to!
It has a 13,500 BTU duo therm heat pump. Is something wrong with this unit or is it undersized. Live in Texas and it gets a lot hotter than 82.
Are any other 25' owners having the same problem or is it just mine.
Not sure if this makes a difference, probably does, try setting the thermostat to COOL not HP, in HP the unit is trying to heat not cool. I'm not an AC expert but from what I know, you are running the AC process in reverse, extracting heat from ambient air to heat the interior rather than extracting heat from the interior and dumping outside.
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