Can someone tell or direct me if a thread exists already about storage in the current generation of AS 23 ( standard double bed not the FB units ). Is there storage under the bed as the FB Queen size beds have. Not finding any literature/propaganda nor photos.
Used perhaps for other items of trailer infrastructure?
There is a elongated storage area accessed by a door that swings open. The mattress bottom does not lift up like the FB. There is enough room for two, small plastic bins (shoe sized) stacked on top of each other in the back, and a much larger bin in the front (these storage totes/bins were supplied with the 23D we used to own).
So the rest of the space is empty or with infrastructure would that be the best guess? Locally the AS dealer has not had a FC23 or ( any other 23' model available to ponder ).
Yes, the outside storage compartment makes up the rest of the space. We really liked the 23D, but I like our 27FB a lot more for the double panos, walk-around queen bed and extra counter/storage space.The corner bed in the 23D was a problem for us...
Our 2006 23 has the elongated storage area under the double bed. I roped three small plastic tubs together so that we can easily access things stored under there by just pulling out the train of tubs. we mostly use it for extra shoes and still have a tub left over for other stuff.
Dana and Olga
2006 Safari 23
2011 Tundra Double Cab
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