When comparing the 25FB vs the 27FB, from the dinette forward to just beyond the sink, all measurements and components are the same. The 27FB adds room to the bedroom for the in line beds, a slightly wider closet and a wider pantry (two vertical rows of cans versus one) that can hold a small microwave and a few more inches counter top between the sink and pantry.
The 27FB pantry cabinet has two configurations. The top compartment (about ⅓ of the space) is the same in both choices. If no microwave is selected, then the bottom ⅔ is one door and storage shelves. If the microwave is selected, then a power outlet is put behind the shelves and a door for access to shelves is below the pull out drawer for the microwave. The microwave option has a switch to stop power to the microwave if the drawer is closed while the microwave is running.
The entire kitchen (counter and overhead cabinets) would have to be disassembled to swap the lower ⅔ part due the way they are installed. 
The 27FB can have the 50 ampere power and two air conditoners option.
WBCCI Life Member 5123, AIR 70341, 4CU, WD9EMC
TV - 2012 Dodge 2500 4x4 Cummins HO, automatic, Centramatics, Kelderman level ride airbag suspension, bed shell
2014 31' Classic w/ twin beds, 50 amp service, 1000 watt solar system, Centramatics, Tuson TPMS, 12" disc brakes, 16" tires & wheels