Rotating the U-Dinette Table
We have the u-shaped dinette in our 30' FC bunk (it's also in the 23FB International). There are just two of us traveling in our trailer so we tend to use it more like the traditional dinette but to make for more room, we like to rotate the table 90' so we are both sitting against the long edge of the table. The problem is that it tends to stick out from the table making it harder to get by. The table is on a slider but the slider angle makes it move toward or away from us when we'd really like it to move left/right so that we could slide it in more towards the wall. This would make the dinette work pretty much just like the traditional one.
So here's my question - has anyone tried unscrewing the table top from the base, rotating it 90 degrees and reconnecting it so that it could slide that way? Any problems with keeping it secured in place if that happens?
Thanks for any suggestions folks have.