Recall Notice: 2015 Intl Signature, propane tank bolts
Did anyone else get this yet? My dealer is 2 hours away and I reeeeeeeeeealy don't want to make that drive nor pay for the gas to do it. I haven't looked at these bolts on my unit yet but I've got to believe it's an easy fix.
Just found another thread on here that addresses this recall. Can't paste the link though. Sounds like it's not bolts it's longer self tapping screws. Easy peasy. In theory. Airstream won't send the parts for product liability purposes though.
Ted S- You might be right on that. Bolts would be much better. It's funny, I was looking at that tray the other day when I was pulling my tanks off and marveling in how weak it looked.
When I called my dealer last week about this, they hadn't heard about it nor did they have the new bolts to fix it. Now that I have the two recalls to deal with, I'll probably make the 2 hour drive to them do it.
I got the same letter yesterday. Dealer about 100 miles. I will have both of the recalls I have now repaired. First one was the loose bolts on the shore power plug. I know I can fix both myself but if anything happen down the road I'd never hear the end of this. So going late in the week get it fixed and camp in the Austin area over the weekend.
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