02-16-2015, 06:08 PM
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I have a new Classic (about 3 weeks), and I've tried it out 3 times. Not much of a usage history, but it seems to work as it's supposed to. I added the key fob remote....called Zip Dee, gave them my credit card number (and a code that was on the circuit board), and it was here in 3 days. I HATED the manual Zip Dee on my Int'l. It seemed like something was always slightly "off" -- whether it was getting the travel wheels tightened, or keeping from breaking a part. Last year at Alumapalooza (I was parked right across from where the Zip Dee people install the awnings), I was having problems getting my awning up....and one of the workers came over, took the part....went over to the install shop and he fixed it gratis. Nice guy. I hope I have good luck with this...and it lives up to its name "Relax."
"SilverLeaf II" 2015 30' Classic
2019 RAM 2500 Limited 4x4 CC w/6.7L Cummins
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AIR# 58452
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02-17-2015, 01:36 AM
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I have once again contacted ZipDee about any updates to this awning, circuit board, software, or anything which could be done so as to prevent a failure. I suspect a response in a couple days. Overall I think they are a very customer oriented company.
Mine will get tested once again at Alumilina coming up in about a month.
Ms Tommie Lauer
Greensboro, NC
2015 Serenity 30 RB / 2008 Dodge Cummins 4 X 4
WBCCI #4165 AIR #31871
Happy trails and Good Luck
Ms Tommie Fantine Lauer, Greensboro, NC
AIR #31871 KQ3H
02-19-2015, 12:11 PM
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ZipDee, a great company
It is my understanding that ZipDee has a revised circuit board for the Power Awning. The revised control board will have a red tag and date on it. Here is one that does NOT have this tag.
ZipDee_Circuit_Board_LAUER by Fantinesvoice.com, on Flickr
So, check, and if you have a desire to have a revised board installed, contact a ZIpDee or Airstream dealer for more information.
FYI, I am in process of doing exactly this and will update as to the progress.
Happy trails and Good Luck
Ms Tommie Fantine Lauer, Greensboro, NC
AIR #31871 KQ3H
02-19-2015, 09:28 PM
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Great info-thanks, Msmoto! We are going to hopefully get our awning circuit board, etc, replaced at JC in mid-March, so knowing this definitely helps. Hopefully this will be the end of our awning woes for a long time.
02-20-2015, 06:44 PM
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Here are a couple of pictures of the "updated" circuit board. The red dot with the date on it (1/15) identifies the update. The second picture is the board they'll send you if you decide to go for the remote version with the key fob. The box sticks on the wall next to the main board with an internet type cable to connect it. Installation takes about 30 seconds. In my '15 Classic, the boxes are located behind the drawer underneath the microwave.
"SilverLeaf II" 2015 30' Classic
2019 RAM 2500 Limited 4x4 CC w/6.7L Cummins
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AIR# 58452
WBCCI # 3430-Unit 21
02-21-2015, 03:32 PM
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Awesome, thanks BAB! We just might have to do the remote set up, too. When the awning works, it is truly a glorious thing...
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03-15-2015, 12:55 AM
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Just an update about our electrical awning repair-we returned from JC with a newly replaced circuit board (told the newer version now senses the amount of torque applied by the motor), and a new motor. We also received some handy equipment from Zipdee (battery cables, flexible hexagonal wrench) that will manually enable us to close the awning should something go wrong in the future. We were told we should have had these items when we received the trailer but we hadn't. As of now, I'm fairly optimistic about the awning, although I probably should have asked what the repair would cost us if we were out of warranty.
03-15-2015, 06:54 AM
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Oh, yes, my new circuit board is in. ZipDee sent it to my dealer (ODM, Colfax, NC) about as fast as one can get something. Installation was fairly quick and it seems to be in good working order.
While I cannot speak for a manufacturer, my suspicions are that if one has the Power Awning on their Airstream, and it has the older circuit board without the "red tag" on it indicating an update, that ZipDee may be quite willing to supply this under the same conditions as a recall, i.e., with no charge to the consumer. The installation may require labor costs if the warranty period has been exceeded, but if one is really nice with ZipDee I suspect they will be nice as well.
From a business perspective, sending out some circuit boards is far less expensive than dealing with a rap on their reputation or worse, litigation in the event of one of those highly unlikely but possible disasters of the awning tearing off the skin of the trailer.
Happy trails and Good Luck
Ms Tommie Fantine Lauer, Greensboro, NC
AIR #31871 KQ3H
03-16-2015, 11:31 AM
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On our way to get third (and final we hope) circuit board and 4th motor installed in San Gabriel. Sounds like ZipDee found the problem so this will be nice😄
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06-02-2015, 02:34 PM
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Good words on ZipDee
Well, I was in Wisconsin last Friday, went to put out my Power Awning....only moved about four inches. Now this has the new circuit board, worked well after this was installed and test, but after a few months, and about 2,000 miles folded up, no go.
So, I called ZipDee, and talked with Jimmy. He checked with some folks, and said it might be the connection. And, as I was returning home via a route that went about a mile from the front door of ZipDee, I asked if I could stop by. Jimmy said to park next to the building when I came in Sunday evening, and I did along with a 2014 27 foot Signature with the power awning....
Come Monday about 7 AM, the technician came out and changed the connector at the top of the awning. Still not working, so a new mother was installed, adjusted, and it worked perfectly. Apparently my motor was drawing about 6 Amps, the new mother only draws 3 Amps.
But, not only did they fix my awning, but I received a hands on tour of the plant by one of the owner's sons, and discovered the ZipDee awnings are all hand made with a very high level of quality control. Every unit is tested before leaving the factory. They manufacture via machining all the various parts, assemble them, usually one person being responsible for this, and the entire operation was very impressive.
Saw a 57 Chevy Nomad/Corvette hybrid as well....and a Lotus....funning how these things drift into an awning factory...????
My one disappointment was the chair foot support is no longer made, so no chair for me. But, if one wants to purchase the awning materials and cover their own chair....this is possible.
Overall, i was very impressed with the folks at ZipDee. I truly believe that the failures seen with some of the products is something not in their control, as in how the unit is installed on the Airstream. This, if not done correctly can result in a failure, as the units do require calibration after proper installation and we know that some things at Jackson Center do not seem to be done with the greatest attention.
And, the question, would I order a power awning again? .... after my recent interaction with Jimmy and Nate, absolutely.
Oh, yes, they replaced the entire awning on the 2014, I believe.
Happy trails and Good Luck
Ms Tommie Fantine Lauer, Greensboro, NC
AIR #31871 KQ3H
06-02-2015, 10:56 PM
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Ok, it was a new motor, not new mother......oh well....
Ms. Tommie Lauer
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Happy trails and Good Luck
Ms Tommie Fantine Lauer, Greensboro, NC
AIR #31871 KQ3H
06-02-2015, 11:25 PM
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Very reassuring to hear that Zipdee took such great care of you...we are about to embark on a long trip later this month, so I'm really hoping with our newly replaced circuit board our awning will prove to be more 'relaxing' this time.
06-14-2015, 03:09 PM
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zipdee nightmare
We have a 2014 27 ft fb with a auto awning .Never has worked correctly .On our second trip awning was stuck open on a Saturday read directions to manually closethe awning, Directions did not specify the arm to to insert tool to manually roll it up.After removing screw and inserting tool the spring that holds tension let loose.Arm flew off and awning came down and scratched door .Had to tie it up and travel 150 miles to a zipdee. dealer.It is now at colonial airstream.Zipdee said they would replace bad board and motor only. Airstream said they would goodwill door This has been a nightmare.The instructions to close a fully extended awning are poor and not accurate.I share this to warn other owners that you must only remove thru bolt and insert tool on front arm only.I would also like to say Tony at colonial airstream and his staff have been excellent in helping me resolve this concern.Thank you colonial airstream
06-14-2015, 03:17 PM
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zipdee nightmare
Hello my AS is still at colonial airstream.They said zipdee would replace motor and board .Should I still be concerned has any one had success ? Very worried could not handle another ordeal with the awning.Has anyone had success in manually rolling up the awning when fully extended.Thanks John.
06-14-2015, 06:14 PM
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ZipDee Power Awning
It is amazing the same company which supplies the awnings for the Prevost and Newell million dollar plus Moho's seems to be having difficulties with the AS Power Awning.
A couple of suggestions for anyone with the Power Awning. 1) Have the amperage draw when in operation checked. If this is much more than three amps, the motor needs replacing. 2) Make certain the electrical control board has the red tag indicating it has been reprogrammed so as to limit the torque from the motor. 3) Have the awning properly adjusted as to limits out and closed. This takes a knowledgable technician.
I suspect upon installation, the adjusting of the awning at Jackson Center is not completed with the necessary precision, and this may indeed be a huge problem in the reliability of these awnings. Now that mine has been fully adjusted by the factory, i am fairly happy. I still think these folks want to have a good product, but they are not the ones installing the awning, thus a lot of the quality control is out of their hands.
Happy trails and Good Luck
Ms Tommie Fantine Lauer, Greensboro, NC
AIR #31871 KQ3H
06-15-2015, 11:16 PM
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I have worked on many lateral arm awnings found on the high-end motor homes like Newell, Prevost, Newmar, Tiffin, Entegra, Eric. There are 3 manufacturers: Girard, Carefree and Zip Dee.
I have to say that I have seen the most problems with ZD's electronics. Most of the physical mechanisms, rollers, fabrics, and especially motors are all outsourced and very similar across the 3 companies.
Most problems are in the electronics and control units. This is where ZD is not up to par with the other OEMs
Hopefully, they will get their act together soon!!!!!
Lew Farber
RVIA/RVDA Nationally Certified Master Tech
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06-21-2015, 02:42 AM
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Having seen with my own eyes the actual parts being made in the factory for the ZipDee awnings I can understand how mechanically their products are well done. But the outsourced motors,etc., and as Lew suggested, the control units, this might be where a sharper watch dog could help them out.
Ms Tommie Lauer
Greensboro, NC
2015 Serenity 30 RB / 2008 Dodge Cummins 4 X 4
WBCCI #4165 AIR #31871
Happy trails and Good Luck
Ms Tommie Fantine Lauer, Greensboro, NC
AIR #31871 KQ3H
07-16-2015, 11:23 AM
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We just finished a four week trip using our awning daily and I am happy (and relieved) to report it operated without any problems!
07-16-2015, 11:49 AM
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On the road for a couple of weeks in New England. Tilt function stopped working, though unroll/roll was ok. Called ZipDee. Simple adjustment on the limit switch (two counterclockwise turns), and it was fixed. Technician's comment: "we have been to Airstream multiple times to show them how to properly adjust a new awning, but obviously something's not happening." He has had multiple calls from other A/S owners with same problem. Make SURE you know where the adjustment tools are, as he said many owners don't seem to either have them or know where they are. I really like the awning and use it much more than the manual version. I was going broke buying the disposable claw fittings for my old trailer..
"SilverLeaf II" 2015 30' Classic
2019 RAM 2500 Limited 4x4 CC w/6.7L Cummins
ProPride 3P
AIR# 58452
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07-16-2015, 02:21 PM
Rivet Master 
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Power Patio Awning Adjustments
If you are ever in the Chicago area, I would strongly encourage going by ZipDee as they will check things out and make certain the adjustments are properly done. IMO, this is most likely why the awning has had issues , AS cannot seem to take the time to do the proper adjustment.
Happy trails and Good Luck
Ms Tommie Fantine Lauer, Greensboro, NC
AIR #31871 KQ3H
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