The following eBay listing has been automatically posted for members to provide feedback to each other about the auction listing. All comments must conform to our Community Rules.
US $44,900.00
End Date: Tuesday Feb-21-2012 10:42:33 PST
Buy It Now for only: US $44,900.00 Buy it now | Add to watch list
Average retail is just under $30,000 using NADA.... which means probably about $35,000 Kelley Blue Book (which is not on the web for RVS.... and most libraries have stopped their subscriptions to the KBB RV book due to budget cuts). Keep in mind, most gas Chevy 454s at this age pulling all this weight are on the verge of needing a rebuild. Shocks will definitely need replacing if not already done. Tires could be bad (or old) as well. Bid accordingly...
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