Another vote for the Geo method from our Shiny Pete. We started when Pete came home in late '13 and all through '14 with packs and all sorts of other rv tank treatments, and sometimes had a noticeable smell, especially when he sat for a few days with some ummm..... waste? in the black tank.
We live in Central Florida, and camp no matter the temp (meaning it's hot most of the time), and that made it worse. And in July, Pete spends a month near the gulf coast, and we don't dump the black tank until it's 2/3 full. Hardly ever did on any rv. Like was said above, you'd open the door, and sure enough, a not pleasant odor would greet you. (And yes, I checked that all my pipe connections and roof vents were fine)
Went to Geo, Bam, smell is gone, cost is lower, and we were sold. Also, someone mentioned "grey" tank can stink too. It surely can. I'm rather anal about what goes in there (wipe plates with paper towels so less food, etc.), but you're always gonna get hair, sunscreen, and all sorts of body "goo". So, I started doing up a gallon bucket of "geo" (1 cap of Calgon, and a shot of blue dawn - no bleach), and putting into all three grey drains when Pete sits. This gets a nice amount in the grey tank, and it sits in the "P-traps" of both sinks and the shower. Bam, fixed that too.
Hope this helps.