Over the 4th of July weekend we stayed at a nice KOA, arrived late Friday night. As I was making camp I noticed a lot of roaches on the power pole and 4x4 post the water hookup was attached to. Then I started noticing that anything I put down - anderson's, camco blocks, etc - as soon as I would reach over to pick it up it had 3-4 roaches on it, and just as many or more underneath.
I figured it was night, and the south (Tennessee), and went to bed exhausted; but during the course of our stay I noticed them everywhere around the camper - and eventually we of course found them inside.
Apparently a neighbor complained before I did, because the staff came around with roach motels and also sprayed; but the damage was done. We got home and found several live ones running around; and I'm still finding them.
I've already bombed the AS once with Hotspot. Box claims death within 2 hours. After 24 hours of the AS being closed I went in to start venting and immediately found 2 live ones. I'm bombing again with one in the bedroom and one at the front of the AS. Bed is up exposing the storage underneath including the rear storage area - all cabinets and closets are open.
Anyone deal with this and find a good cure??? I plan to beef up my prevention for next time with a healthy dose of boric acid in all the back areas and cracks, and put some gel bait out too - but how do I really kick these suckers out for good now?