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Old 07-06-2017, 08:54 PM   #1
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Florence , Alabama
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Over the 4th of July weekend we stayed at a nice KOA, arrived late Friday night. As I was making camp I noticed a lot of roaches on the power pole and 4x4 post the water hookup was attached to. Then I started noticing that anything I put down - anderson's, camco blocks, etc - as soon as I would reach over to pick it up it had 3-4 roaches on it, and just as many or more underneath.

I figured it was night, and the south (Tennessee), and went to bed exhausted; but during the course of our stay I noticed them everywhere around the camper - and eventually we of course found them inside.

Apparently a neighbor complained before I did, because the staff came around with roach motels and also sprayed; but the damage was done. We got home and found several live ones running around; and I'm still finding them.

I've already bombed the AS once with Hotspot. Box claims death within 2 hours. After 24 hours of the AS being closed I went in to start venting and immediately found 2 live ones. I'm bombing again with one in the bedroom and one at the front of the AS. Bed is up exposing the storage underneath including the rear storage area - all cabinets and closets are open.

Anyone deal with this and find a good cure??? I plan to beef up my prevention for next time with a healthy dose of boric acid in all the back areas and cracks, and put some gel bait out too - but how do I really kick these suckers out for good now?
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Old 07-06-2017, 09:05 PM   #2
Half a Rivet Short
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Well, rule one on all pests including roaches is to eliminate sources of food. That ranges from sealing up "stuff" in the pantry in tight containers to daily cleanup.

Be careful with spreading all sorts of "stuff" around the trailer. Some of it reacts poorly with aluminum ...

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Old 07-06-2017, 09:15 PM   #3
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Put in some sticky roach motel boards or boxes. They will go in and get stuck.

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Old 07-06-2017, 09:28 PM   #4
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First off if you see one in the trailer DON'T stomp it or squish it to kill it. If it happens to be a pregnant female you just put a gazillion more roaches in your camper or your house or your yard!. I do landscaping for a living and have for over 20 years. From experience if you have an infestation NONE OF THE RECCOMENDATIONS SO FAR ARE GOING TO WORK. ANYTHING THEY SELL AT ANY OF THE BIG BOX STORE IS A WASTE OF TIME INCLUDING THE BORAX PASTE you will have to break the life cycle of them to get rid of them. If you know someone in the pesticide business get roach bait from them otherwise call a professional pesticide company to come and treat. The products available to professionals is completely different than what you can buy over the counter without a pesticide charter. Even with the professional help it could take several weeks to several months to eliminate the problem.
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Old 07-06-2017, 11:09 PM   #5
diesel maniac
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wahya is correct, roaches hatch every ten days so the ones you kill today have already left egg sacs that will hatch ten days later. I buy a gel from our local Do it Yourself Pest Control and it works. Just a few dabs hidden away where they like to hide. It not only kills them it has birth control in it so they can't reproduce. Has no odor and very easy to apply. Having rental apartments for 30 years you get good at pest control.

There are many types of roaches as well. The little German food roaches are the worst and come from poor housekeeping. A lot of the bigger "sewer" roaches will come out at night looking for food and water, they will enter any dwelling clean or dirty.

I remember as a kid travelling from Tucson to Chicago on a Greyhound and stopping in St Louis, MO. on a hot August night. Hundreds of roaches were crawling all over the outside of the bus. I didn't get off.
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