Interior layout changes with regard to front vs. rear bedroom, along with outside storage capability. I don't like that storage door behind the propane tanks at the front.
The bathroom in the rear twin 25 and 30 is WAY more preferable for us than any 27 ever built. Our 30, and our previous 25 rear bed have 4 storage compartments outside.
We're rear bedroom folk, yessireeeee. Don't like sleeping up against the propane tanks, would have nightmares of head exploding.....
(just kidding!)
Really not interested in bed being up against/near campground roads.
Really like the entry door closer to the truck, at front of trailer.
If I want to see the great outdoors, I go out and look at it. Only time we're spending a lot of time in the trailer is if it's raining, cold, or night time. So what's up with the view thing anyway?
And just for kicks, to the original poster, I'm ok with a new thread coming up talking about things that have already been discussed, I mean, what's the big deal anyway? People like to talk, and read, and converse, and discuss, and engage....well, most people