03-25-2012, 01:42 PM
Rivet Master 
2010 27' FB Flying Cloud
Fraser Valley
, British Columbia
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 2,966
Do You Try to Get Into Better Shape Before Airstreaming?
I find driving tiring - more so if I am not in good shape.
So, went back to my vegetarian diet, put on the jogging shoes, and have dropped 16 pounds in three weeks. I feel more energetic and healthier all round. Also went gluten free - am amazed by the results. I discovered gluten was stimulating the appetite. After three days sans bread, pasta, and all baked goods, the appetite dropped like an anvil down an elevator shaft.
(But I am going to try those Campfire Cones - as she salivates).
I bet those who own the Eddie Bauers are in the best shape of all; could an obese person fit into a kyak, never mind paddle one?
It's my observation that the Class A types are in the worse shape of all; they eat a lot of crap and spend their time sitting inside with their entertainment doo-dads. I don't understand the bad eating habits; those Class A kitchens would rival most homes.
I think Airstreamers are a different breed - more health conscious. Would you agree?
easily distracted by shiny objects
03-25-2012, 02:06 PM
65th Anniversary CLIPPER
1996 36' Clipper Bus
Tub City
, British Columbia
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 3,309
Congrats on your accomplishment in just 3 weeks.
Ouch on your comment on us Class A operators. ( Maybe the truth hurts  )
I would say it is an individual responsibility as to what one eats. It is hard to avoid all the special camping treats. But I will say, we try to eat healthy when traveling and camping. ( all times)
Yes the Class A gives home like comfort and food storage/prep facilities, but just like home, you have to make that effort to get outside and do things.
While traveling, short stops and stretch, will keep you alert, and lighter meals, if you are putting on a lot of mileage. Keep you big meal for the end of the day.
Originally Posted by Fly at Night
I find driving tiring - more so if I am not in good shape.
So, went back to my vegetarian diet, put on the jogging shoes, and have dropped 16 pounds in three weeks. I feel more energetic and healthier all round. .
(But I am going to try those Campfire Cones - as she salivates).
It's my observation that the Class A types are in the worse shape of all; they eat a lot of crap and spend their time sitting inside with their entertainment doo-dads. I don't understand the bad eating habits; those Class A kitchens would rival most homes.
I think Airstreamers are a different breed - more health conscious. Would you agree?
03-25-2012, 02:17 PM

2006 19' International CCD
, Kansas
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 4,224
Congrats! I've been a vegetarian for over two years now and lost a lot when I started but maintaining @ 160 with a gluten gut.  we try to eat healthy and love to cook so eats easy to cook healthy. When I'm traveling (every week) for work I use several apps to look up calories before I choose a restaurant and it works out quite well. There is a great free app called my fitness pal and you can record everything you eat and exercise to stay on a goal. I need to drop the carbs for a bit but it's sooo hard to do. Thanks for the inspiration.
03-25-2012, 08:11 PM
Rivet Master 
2010 27' FB Flying Cloud
Fraser Valley
, British Columbia
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 2,966
Originally Posted by masseyfarm
Congrats on your accomplishment in just 3 weeks.
Ouch on your comment on us Class A operators. ( Maybe the truth hurts  )
I would say it is an individual responsibility as to what one eats. It is hard to avoid all the special camping treats. But I will say, we try to eat healthy when traveling and camping. ( all times)
Yes the Class A gives home like comfort and food storage/prep facilities, but just like home, you have to make that effort to get outside and do things.
While traveling, short stops and stretch, will keep you alert, and lighter meals, if you are putting on a lot of mileage. Keep you big meal for the end of the day.
Hi Dave,
I didn't mean the Class A Airstreams, sorry. Meant everything else - those hulking Newmar and Tippen jobs....etc.
Thanks for the tips. I agree 110% - we are responsible for what we eat. Many health problems can be prevented/healed via nutrition.
Happy, healthy Airstreaming!
easily distracted by shiny objects
03-25-2012, 08:20 PM
Rivet Master 
2010 27' FB Flying Cloud
Fraser Valley
, British Columbia
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 2,966
Originally Posted by blmitch5
Congrats! I've been a vegetarian for over two years now and lost a lot when I started but maintaining @ 160 with a gluten gut.  we try to eat healthy and love to cook so eats easy to cook healthy. When I'm traveling (every week) for work I use several apps to look up calories before I choose a restaurant and it works out quite well. There is a great free app called my fitness pal and you can record everything you eat and exercise to stay on a goal. I need to drop the carbs for a bit but it's sooo hard to do. Thanks for the inspiration. 
Hi Mitch,
Thanks for the app tip. I am going to check it out.
Congratulations on the reformation!
I am having fun rediscovering my old vegetarian recipes. I have cut out all "hard proteins" - red meat, pork, and poultry, but still ingest fish/shellfish and dairy (preferably non/lo-fat).
Tonight's dinner will be a roasted beet, fresh rosemary, and tofu crouton salad in a cherry/balsamic reduction. I think I'll start a Vegetarian Cooking thread here. It would be great to exchange recipes/tips.
Going gluten-free was easy after reading many packaged bread/baked goods contain an ingredient that is made from human hair!
Eating Human Hair by Another Name?
Keep up the good work!
easily distracted by shiny objects
03-25-2012, 08:49 PM
3 Rivet Member 
Currently Looking...
, Pennsylvania
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Posts: 152
I simply can't go 100% meat free. I've been watching what I eat fairly well the last few years and have started eating a lot of soy etc. in place of meat. But every once in a while I just can't resist a good piece of chicken or beef.
03-25-2012, 09:10 PM
Rivet Master 
2010 27' FB Flying Cloud
Fraser Valley
, British Columbia
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 2,966
Originally Posted by Midnightmoon
I simply can't go 100% meat free. I've been watching what I eat fairly well the last few years and have started eating a lot of soy etc. in place of meat. But every once in a while I just can't resist a good piece of chicken or beef.
Hi Midnight,
You don't have to be fanatical to be healthy. You are utilizing more discretion - that's great.
I am not giving up my Christmas turkey dinner either!
easily distracted by shiny objects
03-25-2012, 09:43 PM
Rivet Master 
2007 23' International CCD
, Michigan
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 7,082
UM  Haven't you been to an Airstream rally potluck yet???? Anyone hear tell of breakfast and bacon, how about happy hour?  OMG is there a healthy version rally out there too?  We just eat and drink and sit til we can't anymore.
03-25-2012, 09:47 PM
4 Rivet Member 
2012 25' FB Flying Cloud
, Texas
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 318
ride your bike!!! if you don't have one, get one!!
- Ronnie
03-25-2012, 10:07 PM
65th Anniversary CLIPPER
1996 36' Clipper Bus
Tub City
, British Columbia
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 3,309
After looking at that I may never eat pizza again.
My early meal of the day is OATS, then it goes downhill from there.
Whole Wheat Pancakes with a dash of RED RIVER, real Maple Syrup from Lanark County, and Canadian Bacon and farm fresh eggs,??? how can I resist that for lunch? (not every day!)
And for supper, oh, oh , not much room left on the calorie chart. To bed hungry again.
03-25-2012, 10:21 PM
Rivet Master 
2010 27' FB Flying Cloud
Fraser Valley
, British Columbia
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 2,966
Originally Posted by wheel interested
UM  Haven't you been to an Airstream rally potluck yet???? Anyone hear tell of breakfast and bacon, how about happy hour?  OMG is there a healthy version rally out there too?  We just eat and drink and sit til we can't anymore. 
Hi Wheel!
Never been to a AS rally (yet).
It's funny you should mention bacon because I was just going to write something about that. I love bacon. A little bit adds so much flavour. So.....am still going to make my caesar salad with a piece of crisp crumbled bacon on top. Healthy does not mean "suffering." That one slice of bacon will not do any ole harm.
I don't like sitting around a lot. Am kinda restless. I hope the other 'streamers won't think I'm stand offish for taking off after a couple of hours of sitting.
I look forward to introducing some of my vegetarian dishes at the potluck, though.
easily distracted by shiny objects
03-25-2012, 10:23 PM
Rivet Master 
2010 27' FB Flying Cloud
Fraser Valley
, British Columbia
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 2,966
Originally Posted by bike_addict
ride your bike!!! if you don't have one, get one!!
Hi bike!
umm.....the last time I was on a bike - a bit of a disaster. It was concurrent with a blind date. I should post the story. You probably will fall off your bike laughing!
easily distracted by shiny objects
03-25-2012, 10:24 PM
Rivet Master 
2010 27' FB Flying Cloud
Fraser Valley
, British Columbia
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 2,966
Originally Posted by masseyfarm
After looking at that I may never eat pizza again.
My early meal of the day is OATS, then it goes downhill from there.
Whole Wheat Pancakes with a dash of RED RIVER, real Maple Syrup from Lanark County, and Canadian Bacon and farm fresh eggs,??? how can I resist that for lunch? (not every day!)
And for supper, oh, oh , not much room left on the calorie chart. To bed hungry again.
Hi Again Massey!
I know. Pretty disgusting. Guess where they get the hair? From clippings off the floor in many Chinese hair salons.
easily distracted by shiny objects
03-25-2012, 11:01 PM
Rivet Master 
2007 23' International CCD
, Michigan
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 7,082
I have never seen so much food in my life as the tables of food set out at the Can Opener at Top Sails, New Year's in Florida...no kidding! There was enough to hold it twice and did. Also I hear the Birthday Bash in July in the North East (MD/PA/DE?) has the TAC founder serving breakfast and bacon with bacon along with a nice side of bacon, lol. Those two things just popped into my head, maybe it's an East coast "thing." There was a picture going around in that thread of a burger woven in bacon strips with hotdogs inserted to make a turtle. Heart attack on a plate I am certain!
turtle burgers!!
Seriously though I would like to eat more raw and plant based food and hike and bike. But you just have not seen excess until you have seen these get togethers...
03-25-2012, 11:46 PM
Rivet Master 

2005 25' Safari
, Oregon
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 8,438
Originally Posted by bike_addict
ride your bike!!! if you don't have one, get one!!
 Hi, funny that you said that; Not really. We walk almost daily for some exercise, but I needed/wanted more, so I bought a new bike. I was doing so good too. My goal was to ride for one hour per day and I was doing it. Well I crashed my new bike and I'm still healing up from my accident. Long story, short, [OK, I guess it didn't turn out to be short] I was on the sidewalk and saw a lady walking form the other end, so I decided it would be easier for both of us if I went into the street. At the bottom of the driveway, where it meets the street, there was a little bit of water. Evidently there were also some leaves in the water. The front wheel slipped out from underneath me and down I went. Wore a hole in my pants and my knee. Sprained my thumb too. I went to urgent care and the next morning my whole hand swelled up. Back to urgent care again. Two shots and two antibiotics were given/sold to me and my knee got wrapped up. I'm almost all healed up now, but my wife is afraid to let me out again.
 My three step diet: Eat well, eat less, and move more.
Bob 2005 Safari 25-B
"Le Petit Chateau Argent" Small Silver Castle
2000 Navigator / 2014 F-150 Eco-Boost / Equal-i-zer / P-3
YAMAHA 2400 / AIR #12144
03-25-2012, 11:51 PM
Rivet Master 
2015 25' FB Eddie Bauer
2013 25' FB Eddie Bauer
2012 20' Flying Cloud
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Operative word here is TRY. Yes, we do, but the older you get, the harder it is ...
2015 25' Eddie Bauer Int'l FBQ / 2023 Ford Lightning ER
2022 Ford F350 6.2 V-8; equalizer hitch + Shocker air hitch
Honda Eu3200; AIR# 44105; formerly WBCCI 2015.1
Terminal Aluminitis; 2-people w/ 3+ dogs
03-25-2012, 11:58 PM

1968 17' Caravel
Battle Ground
, Washington
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 12,280
Congrats on your loss, that's pretty spectacular in just three weeks!
I lost 50lbs last year, and my primary tool was the Sparkpeople website. Lots of tools on there to help you track, recipes, exercise ideas and videos, and it is all FREE. They encourage making slow, permanent changes that you can live with, and it has certainly worked for me. I hope to lose another 50 this year.
And yes, obese people can fit into and paddle kayaks, but it's a lot more fun to do everything when you're fit! I can't believe how much better it feels not to be carry 50 lbs I didn't need around with me. And my changes were all about exercise and portion control. I was already eating pretty healthy, just too much, and not moving enough.
Don't get me started about rally pot-lucks...
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