Originally Posted by Lumatic
there was a case where thieves cruised a campground looking for identifying information related to unoccupied trailers. They then went to the campground office saying they were meeting the owners at the trailer. The owners returned to the trailer while it was being burglarized and they were killed.
Possibly an urban myth. That sort of thing would have made the news.
But since
identity theft is a big business, it's wise to minimize the amount of personal information you give away for free. So if you do get signs made for your campsite, use given names without surnames, and avoid putting your address or even your hometown on the sign.
You'd be surprised to know that armed with your full name, your license plate number, and vehicle VIN, an identity thief can go to your state's DMV and request a duplicate registration, claiming the original has been lost, and for just a few bucks get a copy, which lists your home address. It snowballs from there. Anybody who walks up to your campsite can get your tow vehicle's license plate number and VIN. Don't give them your full name as well.
You'd like to think that fellow campers wouldn't do that. I'd like to think that as well. But I have reason to be paranoid. I've
been a victim of identity theft once before, way back in 1992 (though under different circumstances), and it led to me having to file Chapter 7 bankruptcy to get out from under debts that I didn't incur but couldn't
prove weren't mine. That was a horrific experience for me, and it even nearly led to me losing the security clearance I needed for work. As the saying goes, it's not paranoia if they really are out to get you.
As a result, in the four years I've been RV camping, I've never once wanted to put out a sign with my name on it at my campsite. If people want to know who I am, they're welcome to walk up and say "Hello." Then we can introduce ourselves if we want, or even just converse without the need for introductions.
And I put windshield covers on my vehicles so that the vehicle VIN isn't visible while the vehicle is parked.