There is a big hole on the back streetside of our
1965 Tradewind where the water heater used to be. We removed the water heater but now need to do something with the hole. When we got the trailer there was a "frame" and I assume used to be either a vent or one of those funny looking heater covers on it. Just the frame remains.
I'm wondering if there might be a compartment door that would fit to cover the space? Or maybe I could just put in a vent and close it up so it wouldn't let cold air in? We don't need air circulating in the area.
The picture is of the frame and it is actually a few inches short of filling the space, but I think could be used with a little creativity.
I'm open to any and all suggestions. Right now we have a piece of plexiglass from one of our windows covering it just to keep the varmints out.