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Old 06-23-2003, 11:11 PM   #1
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1959 22' Caravanner
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What a week! Finnaly did hook our 59 to it's new tow rig.

Well we were having roof problems and it was time to get it replaced. I also had some trees that needed to be taken down including a 90ft tall pine that Our 59 literally sat 10 inches from it's 28 inch diameter trunk. While we have had the 59 since Feb it had never been attached to the Tow rig (also serves as my DD) that was purchaced April to pull it.

Last Saturday (June 14th) they got hooked up for the first time. Pretty uneventfull first trip around the block and then parked in my Neighbors driveway. It was supose to be back in our Drive the following Wednesday. Due to weather problem and every thing else they ended up sitting in the neighbors drive till Today (Monday the 23) when the dumpster was finnaly picked up. Now it has a safe plce to park without worry of a tree branch falling on it or birds that sat in the wild cherry that also hung over it pooping on it.

So today I ran it through the neighbor hood and checked that I had the hitch level and the brakes and lights were working properly. Still need to hook up the Dual cam but even with no sway control (never exceded 35 mph) they were a very well behaved pair. The Burb pulls it great. Plenty of power and never felt strained.

Still not sitting perfectly level. Problem is I'm not sure I can get it level withoug running into other problems. The hitch head I have is a little funky the way the leveling bars attach and I can just barely get them in at the hight it is now. Front sits 1 inch higher then the rear on the trailer but the next location on the draw bar is 1.5 inches lower. The bushings are shot on the trailer springs and I figure I'll gain about half an inch when I replace those. Hopefully I can get the rest when I replace the tires.

Anyway I thought I would share a picture of the pair.

With the Airstream Photo's still having issues from the HD crash I loaded them on another site. Not sure if it will link properly. Here is the direct link if it doesn't.

The Burb is Dark Blue and white. Lighting wasn't that great this evening.
1959 22' Caravanner
1988 R20 454 Suburban.
Atlanta, GA
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Old 06-23-2003, 11:14 PM   #2
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Well heck it won't even let me do that. Let me see if it will attach
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1959 22' Caravanner
1988 R20 454 Suburban.
Atlanta, GA
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Old 06-23-2003, 11:19 PM   #3
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Hay that worked
Here is a second shot.
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1959 22' Caravanner
1988 R20 454 Suburban.
Atlanta, GA
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Old 06-24-2003, 12:01 AM   #4
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Nice trailer - I love all the windows down the side! Looks mighty-fine hooked up to the burb too. I'll bet you'll be taking it out camping in no time :-) Now that you've had it on the road, you won't be able to resist too long!
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Old 06-24-2003, 06:29 AM   #5
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I like the windows too!

Nice truck by the way. I like the colors as well. That 454 (if I recally correctly) should make short order in regards to towing the toaster!

Nice rig! I like, I like. Any chance of getting some inside shots of the camper and maybe an engine shot of the burb?

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Old 06-24-2003, 09:53 AM   #6
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Originally posted by Silvertwinkie
I like the windows too!

Nice truck by the way. I like the colors as well. That 454 (if I recally correctly) should make short order in regards to towing the toaster!

Nice rig! I like, I like. Any chance of getting some inside shots of the camper and maybe an engine shot of the burb?

There are a couple interrior shot in my Airstream photos album. It's a little rough inside and the semi gloss blue paint my Father-in-law painted the walls with isn't doing a whole lot for us. I have some more pictures of the burb in the album I was trying to link from but they way it's set up you have to be a member to veiw them. I'll try to load one up here tonight.


I wish it was ready to camp. We have had several times where we would have loved to have used it. I have some floor issues to work through before we can. I may be replaceing the whole floor in the old girl. Just had too much going on to work on it yet. Now that the major items on the house are done I'm to a point where I can start putting some time in on the Airstream. I had to keep it mobile till the trees were removed.

Yeah I really like all the windows. Has lots of light inside even with that awful A/C hanging in the front window. Those are on the galley side and puts plenty of light on the counter and sink area durring the day. The front one is at the dinning table. Can't wait to get the window A/C out and get a roof A/C installed so we can get the window back in the front. From what my wife remebers it had that window unit in it where her dad bought it in 1980. Thanfully there doesn't appear to be any damage to the shell. Just need to find a window to fit it.
1959 22' Caravanner
1988 R20 454 Suburban.
Atlanta, GA
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Old 06-25-2003, 11:28 PM   #7
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Originally posted by Silvertwinkie
I like the windows too!

Nice truck by the way. I like the colors as well. That 454 (if I recally correctly) should make short order in regards to towing the toaster!

Nice rig! I like, I like. Any chance of getting some inside shots of the camper and maybe an engine shot of the burb?

Here is the engine shot....Really there is a 454 under all that stuff!
Actually other then having to change # 7 plug from underneath (no jacking required) and #8 is a reach it's not bad to work on. Them 454 valve covers could be used as snow shoes!
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1959 22' Caravanner
1988 R20 454 Suburban.
Atlanta, GA
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Old 06-26-2003, 12:04 AM   #8
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Sounds tough. At least there's lots of floor resources here. That's sure going to be a neat trailer when it's done. I've looked at the inside shots, and I can see why that blue needs to go :-) Work work work, maybe you'll be camping next summer?
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Old 06-26-2003, 03:38 AM   #9
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WOW! You could eat off of that engine!
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Old 06-26-2003, 08:44 AM   #10
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1959 22' Caravanner
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Originally posted by biggerbadbrad
WOW! You could eat off of that engine!
I bought the truck from Ira Iburg from here. He took incredibly good care of the truck. It's a 88 with 71k, most of it with a 31ft Excella behind it. It was by far the best one in Atlanta when I was buying. He kept it very clean. Little sun fade on the interrior but no tears. The foam in the armrests disintigrated and I'm trying to locate those as well as a new foam insert for the driver seat bottom. Pure age problem with the material not a lack of care. Every truck I looked at had the same issues

He had not used it much in the last couple years and lack of use caused a couple minor problems that I had to work through. Nothing major, EGR was sticking, Some of the hoses were past their prime, plug wires were going bad, shocks, just little things that you see with older vehicles. It has a old bead style converter that I'm about to replace. I'm convinced it's causing a exhaust restriction and caused the exhaust manifold gaskets to fail.

I'm very happy with it other then feeding it LOL. On level ground the truck doesn't even strain with the Caravanner behind it. Once you get rolling you have to check the mirror to make sure the trailer is there. Two weeks after I bought it I towed a 79 Blazer that weighed about 5k on a 3k trailer 110miles one way in some hilly terrain and it did pretty good. That was before I found the bad plug wires and EGR problem. I managed 8.75 MPG with 8k in tow one way and the 3k trailer on the return trip. It's a heathy motor.


I hope to be ready to camp before next summer. I would love to take a trip this fall. I still have 23 day's of vacation for the year still available.

I hope to get my garage cleaned out this weekend to make room and start pulling out the bath for the repair. Plan to take a week for pure trailer repair after I get a better idea of what I need to do to fix the floor problem and get all the materials lined up and in one place. I even have a outdoor 2 post auto lift at my disposal if I find I need to replace the whole floor. I will be able to lift the body off the frame with my pinky
1959 22' Caravanner
1988 R20 454 Suburban.
Atlanta, GA
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