We are going to go solar soon. Some info from a Solar Boost 2000E owner re depth requirements to flush mount would be helpful. The intent is to use the fwd galley wall behind which is the stored prewire ends. I have the LxW numbers, but no depth. Could I get away w/flush mounting along the left wall or would the oven make that a no go? Many thanks in advance.
I just got mine. It is about 1 1/2" deep. I choose to get the surface mount box, which is pretty big, but the hole you have to cut without the surface box is sizeable. This way I can take it with me when I upgrade to a larger rig since I will only have to drill holes for the wires.
Thanks, Jace -- Good point re the cutout hole size. We're going to install a Link 10 in the same area (which can be flushmounted on that left side). I preferred to have them both the same mount, but the raised mount (I'm told) shows wires when installed... no such problem w/the solar boost. I guess it'll be one flush, one raised. Good luck w/ the new toy. Brian
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