Although they are out there, the new Airstreams have a 2 year warranty. Granted there have been some fit an finish interior quality issues with some of the new coaches leaving Jackson Center, I would think that if you had any they could be resolved in the first 2 years.
My take is simply for a used car, perhaps these are good, but for a new one, for me personally, I am not sure I'd go with it.
Each person has their own take on it. For example, my girlfriend buys the extended warranty on her new cars since she drives them for about 5-6 years and refuses to drive a car that is not under warranty. Drives me nuts, but, it's her choice and one of those things she feels better having. For me, I don't mind tearing something down a bit.
The dealer should be able to provide you with options.
Last thing is shop around. This last process for my new coach save me thousands.